Understanding Urban Growth: Implications For Our Environment

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Ayesha Sikander
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


The research paper is about the impacts of urbanization on environmental degradation and it mainly focuses on how different factors contribute in urbanization and how different cultures influence environment. The research paper highlights the key factors of environmental degradation and what are the impacts of environmental degradation on human beings and other living beings.

It also focuses on cultural aspects, how environment shape culture and how environment is influenced by culture. Importance of healthy environment and cons of degraded environment is also being discussed in this research paper.

Through two different theories, modernization and ecological, environmental degradation is discussed with relation to urbanization.  Conceptual framework is also done on various concepts that contributes in environmental degradation. Relationship between urbanization and environmental degradation is defined through theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

Explanatory methodology is used in this research and different methods such as articles review, online surveys and personal observation are conducted to obtain desire results. Both primary and secondary data is use in this research paper.

80 respondents recorded their responses and viewpoints on urbanization and environmental degradation and more than 50% respondents think that Environmental degradation is the result of urbanization. Role of anthropologists is also discussed in this research paper and how anthropological theories play important role in environment protection and preservation.

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How to Cite
Sikander, A., & Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. (2024). Understanding Urban Growth: Implications For Our Environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 638-642. Retrieved from https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/593

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