The Changing Patterns Of Traditional Marriages System In Bajaur

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Inam Ullah
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


The main purpose of writing this report is to examine how the marriage system is changing over the time in Bajaur due to technological advancement and with the increase influence of social media on people traditional patterns of marriages. Due to globalization the world is changing so as the marriage system of the village is also changing.

The addition of a type of dowry, decorating the groom’s room by the bride’s family. Make-up system for brides in marriage. A qualitative research method is used to gather the data under which the tool is use interview guide.

Type of dowry system put a burden on families of brides and in future the daughter will become a burden on family due to so much expectations of home appliances from bride’s family which will lead to physical and mental torture from groom’s side and the late marriages system will start due to the curse of dowry. Make-up and photography also put an extra burden on families in the marriage.

Ultimately the families will face so much difficulties in future in marriage of their daughter. They will saw their daughter as burden for them which lead to mentally unstability for both the family and the girl


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How to Cite
The Changing Patterns Of Traditional Marriages System In Bajaur. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 459-467.

How to Cite

The Changing Patterns Of Traditional Marriages System In Bajaur. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 459-467.