Unearthing The Past; Exploring Archeological Tourism In Takht Bhai, Mardan

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Syed Atif Ali Shah
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


Pakistan, a land of rich cultural heritage and significant archeological spots is recognized world wide. This paper examines the undying essence of rich archeological tourism spot in one of the main provinces of Pakistan, i.e. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This research paper explores the potential for developing archaeological tourism in Takhbaii, a region rich in historical and cultural heritage. By examining the historical significance of Takhbaii, reviewing relevant literature, and outlining the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the region’s potential as a tourist destination. The research objectives include understanding local perceptions, assessing current infrastructure, and identifying strategies for sustainable tourism development. Using interviews and surveys, this exploratory study gathers insights from locals and tourists. The findings suggest that with improved infrastructure, effective marketing, and sustainable practices, Takhbaii can become a prominent site for archaeological tourism, benefiting both the local economy and cultural   practices.


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How to Cite
Unearthing The Past; Exploring Archeological Tourism In Takht Bhai, Mardan. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 492-497. https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/584

How to Cite

Unearthing The Past; Exploring Archeological Tourism In Takht Bhai, Mardan. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 492-497. https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/584