INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY <div class="features-coloured-icon-boxes-featurecol cp6cols"> <p><strong>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY (IJHS)</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal published online Quarterly by <a href="">ROYAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT</a>. The journal seeks to appeal to an interdisciplinary audience and authorship which focuses upon real world research. It attracts papers from a wide range of fields, including education, anthropology, criminology, geography, history, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology, and more. With its efficient and qualified double-blind peer review process, Social Sciences aims to present the newest relevant and emerging scholarship in the field to both academia and the broader public alike, thereby maintaining its place as a dynamic platform for engaging in social sciences research and academic debate</p> </div> en-US (Dr. Attaullah Jan) (Muhammad Taimur khan) Sat, 18 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 Sign Language Syllabus Designing For Pakistani Learners With Auditory Impairment: A Needs Analysis <p>This study implements the needs analysis model on the current syllabus of Pakistani auditory-impaired students. Two private schools in the Sialkot district have been selected to understand the problems of deaf learners and their needs. No separate syllabus has been designed for disabled students according to their requirements. So, there is a dire need to implement a needs analysis model to highlight the issues of deaf students in their existing syllabus. A mixed-method approach has been used to collect data and check the viability of the results. The quantitative data was gathered by a Point Five Likert scale questionnaire of the sample of 40 teachers. Whereas, qualitative data was collected by focus group interviews of 8 teachers and parents to validate the qualitative results. The findings of the current research have provided different views of teachers, and parents regarding difficulties faced by deaf students. They have also highlighted the weaknesses, lacks, needs, and wants in the given syllabus. The study has observed that teachers have also faced difficulties while teaching deaf students and highlighted the weaknesses of the current syllabus design for auditory-impaired students. Therefore, it is suggested that the need of an hour is to design a special syllabus for deaf learners.</p> Tayaba Amin, Maria Naseem, Zonaira Dar Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 18 May 2024 14:33:17 +0300 Exploring Hegemonic Dominance in Farida Karodia's Daughters of Twilight: A Critical Study <p>The present study has discussed Farida Karodia's <em>Daughters of Twilight</em> in relation to Antonio Gramsci’s notions of hegemony and dominance. Hegemony, in Gramsci's view, refers to the power of the ruling class to establish and uphold its supremacy by influencing societal norms, values, and cultural practices. He is of the view that the ruling class maintained its hegemony by constructing a set of values, beliefs, and social norms that the lower classes internalized and came to accept as the standard. The study aims at exploring hegemonic influence on characters and the consequences of their resistance in the selected novel. The study has used Gramsci's theory of hegemony with textual method of interpretation of the chosen text. Characters, in the selected novel, identify as intellectuals by Gramsci, who play a crucial role in challenging the established order. Physical resistance and manifest a tangible form of defiance against the ruling class.</p> Fatima Batool, Saima Rani, Ehsanullah, Maria Bibi Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 18 May 2024 22:59:15 +0300 A Thematic Study of Executive-Judiciary Relations in Pakistan during Zardari Era (2008-2013) <p><em>This article examines the relationship between executive and judiciary in Pakistan during Zardari era. </em><em>Due to the Chief Justice's suo motu actions, President Musharraf suspended him. In response, a strong mass effort to reinstate the chief justice was launched. Meanwhile, the chief justice and other deposed justices were supposed to be reinstated by the PPP administration that was created as a result of the 2008 general election, but this proved to be untrue. Nevertheless, the chief justice was reinstated after a year of constant delay tactics, and the judiciary developed into such a strong institution that it was able to convict a prime minister. </em><em>In this article a thematic study is done to understand the position of relationship of the two institutions on various junctures. This article finds that in the above mentioned era most of the time had strained relations between the two institutions. At the end some recommendations are given for smooth relations between the two institutions and avoid tussles. For this article data is mostly collected through secondary sources like journal articles, reliable newspaper articles and books. Qualitative method is applied and descriptive-analytical technique is used.</em></p> Shaista Gohar, Tasneem Sarwat, Sumayya Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 19 May 2024 11:07:10 +0300 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Learning at the Private Sector Universities in Lahore <p>This study investigates the current utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized learning in private sector universities in Lahore, Pakistan, and explores students' perceptions and concerns regarding AI-powered personalized learning initiatives. A quantitative research approach was employed, involving a sample of 410 students from four private sector universities. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.&nbsp; Descriptive and inferential statistics ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to draw the results. The findings revealed a generally positive attitude towards AI in education, with students recognizing its potential to enhance individualized learning experiences. However, significant concerns were raised regarding data privacy, algorithmic bias, and equitable access to educational opportunities. Regression analysis identified predictors of ethical concerns, including demographic variables and the extent of AI utilization. The study highlights the need for comprehensive ethical guidelines, faculty training, continuous monitoring, and collaborative efforts to ensure the ethical and effective implementation of AI-driven personalized learning initiatives. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges of AI in education and provide recommendations for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders to promote ethical and equitable AI use in educational settings.</p> Dr. Aisha Sami, Kausar Khalil, Dr. Shahid Rafiq Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 19 May 2024 22:29:48 +0300 Effects of Climate change on the Rural Livelihood: A Sociological Study <p>Current study has been designed to check the effects of climate variations on rural livelihoods. The development of nations around the world is proven to be at risk from climate change. The production of agriculture in Asia's developing nations is predicted to suffer significantly from climate change in the future. Pakistan is one of those nations that are suffering from climate change. The country is already struggling with issues like poverty and food security, which pose a threat to the expansion of agriculture. Climate change is worsening these issues because it causes water shortages to last longer and slow down economic growth. The economy of Pakistan is heavily reliant on agriculture, and climate change is a major source of worry. In these days’ changes of climate have bad impacts on the sector of agriculture, due to climate changes Agriculture and livestock sector is affected badly. Change in climate condition’s also effect to our social, natural and cultural resources. It also becomes the reason of rising temperature and lot of other problems for human beings as well as for agriculture and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, it also a major cause to lack of food availability, accessibility, production of food related items and soil erosion. On the other hand, rise in temperature push to agriculture and livestock disease. Due to climate changes Due to their reliance on the output of their farms, which is having a significant negative impact, Pakistani farmers are dealing with a great deal of hardships. This study was helped out to understand and identify the influences of environmental changes particularly in district Layyah. This study was conducted in district Layyah. Multistage sampling was used for the collection of data. Three union councils was selected at first phase by using convenient sampling methods at second phase six villages was selected. At third phase, 150 respondents were designated randomly and get data (25 respondents from each village). Data was gathered by using interview schedule and was analyzed by using SPSS and presented in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics. Data shows that 62.0% respondents observed the effect of climate change on reproduction for the some extent while 5.3% respondent observed no change. findings reveals that 46.7% respondents observed the influence of environment variation to chance of disease occurrence on livestock for the great extent 76.7% respondents observed that crop productivity badly affected due to climate change. On the bases of findings it was concluded that Pakistan is facing is climate change that affects the crop productivity and ultimately livelihood of farmers that is directly associated with the crops and livestock.</p> Muhammad Nafees Ashraf , Muhammad Kamran , Laiba Tahir, Muhammad Arqim Ghumman Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 19 May 2024 22:37:14 +0300 Social Construct Of Racism: A Critical Study Of The Bluest Eye <p>This study investigates race as a social construct, racial discrimination and its normalization in American society. The researcher investigates the issues by critically analyzing <em>The Bluest Eye</em> (1970) by Morrison and claims that the notion of racism is created by people to maintain white supremacy on the blacks. Racism has become a normal thing because people have to experience it on daily basis. Prejudiced attitude of white people towards blacks shows that racism has no biological or rational basis rather it is a self-created notion based on their hatred towards people of color. The research is qualitative descriptive in nature and the critical race theory (1970) by Delgado and Stefancic is chosen as a theoretical framework for this research. The researcher has concluded that racism is strongly embedded in the minds of people and that they are unable to avoid it by recognizing it a real menace of society. The characters of <em>The Bluest Eye </em>(1970) by Morrison show their prejudiced attitude towards people of color because it is inculcated in their minds that black people are not normal human being and thus do not deserve to be treated well and equally. Consequently, its everyday experience has normalized racism in American society because no one recognizes it as a serious issue which needs to be recognized and addressed properly to ensure equality for the people of color in white dominant societies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sonia Bibi, Dr. Khalil Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 20 May 2024 22:23:29 +0300 Caregiver Distress and Burden among Parents of Children with Cancer; A Qualitative Study of the Sociocultural Context in Punjab, Pakistan <p><em>Cancer is a life-threatening disease worldwide and it is still considered having</em> <em>minimal chances of recovery in low income countries. During the recent decades the cancer</em> <em>increasing rapidly among children in Pakistan and have multidimensional impacts on</em> <em>patients and their families. This study explored the socio-economic impacts of cancer on the</em> <em>parents of the children diagnosed with cancer. The study was qualitative in nature and in-depth interviews were done from parents and guardians. The sample selection criteria</em> <em>comprised of parents of the children who were under treatment in Children Hospital Lahore</em> <em>Punjab, Pakistan. The data was interpreted through thematic analysis and results of the</em> <em>study showed that parents economic, social and psychological problems and their social life</em> <em>was greatly affected due to parenting of achild with cancer. The findings indicated that the</em> <em>parents suffered from work place disturbance, Psychological shock, depression social</em> <em>isolation, family relations breaks, sleeping disorder, financial crises and inaccessibility of</em> <em>leisure moments owing to their commitment with their child regarding illness of children.The study suggested that there should be a comprehensive counseling session for parents</em> <em>regarding their problemsin social and economic aspect, and the government should include</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>views of parents in her policy regarding cancer among children prevention and treatment.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abdur Rahman, Dr. Aaqib Shahzad Alvi, Dr.Asiya Anwar, Dr. Afzaal Afzal Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 21 May 2024 22:19:16 +0300 Difficulties In Learning English Language As A Second Language, At Secondary Level In Dir Upper <p>This study explores into the challenges encountered by English learners at the secondary level in Dir Upper, Wari. It elucidates that English teachers in this region often lack adequate training in language instruction. Moreover, the study highlights the prevalent use of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) by teachers, which poses difficulties for students as it encourages seeking parallels between English and their native language, an approach that is not conducive to effective language acquisition.</p> <p>Furthermore, the research underscores the insufficient emphasis on reading skills in English language instruction in Dir Upper, Wari. Reading comprehension is a fundamental aspect of language learning, yet it receives limited attention in classrooms. Additionally, the study reveals that the use of the native language alongside English instruction creates numerous obstacles for learners. This bilingual approach can lead to confusion, particularly due to the divergent grammatical structures of Pashto and English, resulting in students attempting direct translations based on Pashto grammar rules.</p> <p>To sum it up, this research sheds light on the deficiencies in English language education in Dir Upper, Wari, emphasizing the need for improved teacher training, a shift away from the GTM, and a greater focus on reading skills development, along with minimizing the use of the native language in English instruction to enhance the learning experience for students.</p> Abid Ali, Ayaz Ahmad Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 22 May 2024 22:47:26 +0300 Constructivism in a Changing World: Adaptation and Contribution to Global Politics <p><em>Constructivism is considered as a key and influential international theory and is an influential counterpart of liberalism and realism concepts. The constructivism at the early stages initiated from its developmental stages since time of the third great debates referring with pragmatism, the scholars at its initial stages brought the concepts like norms, values, rules, speech and inter-subjectivism which were referred as social construction, after this the theory emerged as one of the most important and influential one in the field of knowledge like realism and liberalism and in such a way constructivism stood among the aforementioned approaches which brought a revolution in the field of knowledge and provided another gateway for knowledge generation and thinking. Considering constructivism approach and its understanding on the basis of the literature and the facts it may be concluded that constructivism has played a remarkable role in the global politics linking kay aspects of the life with basic human values and basic aspects of life and is still playing a central role in changing the world in almost all the aspects of life including economy, environment, religion, technology, war and peace considerations which are directly linked with global political decisions and landscape which has changed the world to greater aspect and in such a way it may be considered that it has remarkable contribution in the global politics as well and the same may seem to be strengthened in the future. </em></p> Nassir Nazir, Muhammad Sohrab Saleem, Dr. Raziq Hussain, Ehtisham Ali Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 23 May 2024 20:18:39 +0300 Utilizing Digital Tools For English Language Teaching In The 21st Century <p>In the world we live in, technology is pervasive and indispensable. The extensive use of technology has brought about a dramatic alteration in the way that English is taught. The use of modern technology denotes a significant advancement in the process of teaching and learning English. Most English language instructors working today are actively incorporating different tech solutions to improve the efficiency of their instruction. Digital media has become universal in the classroom with regard to language learning and education. The integration of technology into today's education has improved the quality and attraction of the process. They fostered an image of being creative and, above all, innovative in their methodology. In all educational contexts, the phrases "E-learning" and "Technology in Education" have become increasingly common. Students of the twenty-first century welcome the use of technology in the classroom. The modern learning tools are largely interactive, whereas the traditional approaches mostly rely on lecturing. In addition to offering excitement, emerging technologies such as blogs, the Internet, interactive whiteboards, mobile phones, Skype, Twitter, YouTube, and others have also raised student engagement and enabled real-time interaction in the classroom. The goal of this study is to identify the various technological elements that are employed in English teaching and learning to ensure efficient and superior training by utilizing cutting-edge methods.&nbsp;</p> Ali Hayat, Sajjad Hussain, Ayman Riheel Alnaas Taha Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 24 May 2024 21:29:36 +0300 The Transition of Administrative Machinery: Governor of Punjab from Ancient Times to British Raj <p>The portfolio of provincial administrators has maintained its significance in India since ancient times. The effective control of any region within a ruler’s empire relied on the competence of the provincial administrator from a distant location. With time, the nomenclature&nbsp;and position of the Governor underwent alterations. The East India Company pioneered the current notion of a governor. Under the Company’s and Crown’s tenure, the portfolio’s standing and authority were enhanced. The&nbsp;Lieutenant Governors and Governors of Punjab held significant power with absolute authority. The failure of the diarchy introduced by the India Act 1919 can be attributed, in part, to the excessive authority vested in the Governor. The Government of India Act 1935 also established a formidable governor in Punjab. The amicable alliance between the Governors and Premiers of Punjab, along with the Council of Ministers, had&nbsp;led to a tranquil, impartial, and progressive Punjab. The administrative structure established by the India Act of 1935 remained unchanged for Punjab. This study aims to examine the evolution and relevance of governorship, specifically in Punjab, from ancient times to the culmination of the Raj in 1947.</p> Abubaker Atique, Prof. Dr. Javid Akhtar, Prof. Dr. (R) Muhammad Farooq Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 27 May 2024 21:02:41 +0300 The Timurid Rulers: An Appraisal of Ameer Timur <p>The person who got popularity across the globe, second after Alexander the Great, was Ameer Timur, or , Tamerlane-as he was known on this name. Taking his family link from another famous warrior, Changez Khan (Turkis origin), he inherited chieftainship from his father Targai (Ameer Targai/Targai Khan) and after following the footsteps of his predecessors including his father and also Changez Khan. In a very less time, he extended the border of his and established a gigantic empire consisting of famous Transoxiana, some area of Turkistan, Afghanistan, Persia, Syria, Kurdistan and a major part of Asia Minor. The areas he conquered in his lifetime were only second to the conquests of Alexander. He established his position as a able ruler and administrator left no time and provided justice to his subject; he focused almost every aspect of administration and ensured proper financial system which was based on taking effective monetary measures including revenue generation and tax collection. Likely, he focused on construction of buildings which added much glory to and fascination to his empire. This research paper attempts to analyse and know how Ameer Taimur administered his empire and what measures he adopted which resulted in earning him reputation across the globe.</p> Kurbonov Itolmas Botirovich Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 28 May 2024 10:53:30 +0300 Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy and Duration in an Institute as Contributory Factors in Academic Cynicism <p><em>This study investigates how students' academic self-efficacy is impacted by self-regulation and academic cynicism. A simple random selection strategy was used to select 384 undergraduate students from Pakistani public and private universities. The Cynical Attitudes towards College Scale (CATCS), the Student Self-Efficacy (SSE) Scale, and the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) were among the tools utilized. The primary results showed that academic cynicism had a significant detrimental effect on self-efficacy, emphasizing the need to address unfavorable perceptions of academic institutions. On the other hand, self-regulation significantly increased self-efficacy, highlighting its significance in improving students' academic performance. According to the study, encouraging self-regulation techniques and developing a welcoming learning atmosphere are crucial for fostering successful academic results.</em></p> Hareera Zeb, Roomana Zeb, Saima Arzeen Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 28 May 2024 12:31:26 +0300 Diplomatic Foundations and Economic Prospects: A Comprehensive Analysis of Pakistan-Uzbekistan Relations (2000-2020) <p><em>This paper delves into the evolving relationship between Pakistan and Uzbekistan from the 1990s to 2020, with a particular focus on trade relations and future prospects. It provides a historical background, tracing key diplomatic milestones that laid the groundwork for bilateral cooperation. The paper then analyzes the trajectory of trade relations over two decades, examining how patterns of trade have shifted and how geopolitical factors and high-level delegations have played a role. It also explores the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for enhancing trade between the two countries, considering factors such as infrastructure development, trade policies, and regional integration initiatives. Through a comprehensive review of available data, supplemented by analytical insights, the paper offers valuable insights into the multifaceted dimensions of Pakistan-Uzbekistan relations and provides recommendations for fostering deeper economic collaboration in the future.</em></p> Muhammad Idrees, Shabina Wakeel Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0300 What drives online distance learning ODL? An empirical Investigation based on perception of University Students in Pakistan <p>Online Distance Learning (ODL) has become increasingly prevalent in higher education, particularly in response to the growing demand for flexible learning options. This study adopts a thematic research approach to explore the factors that drive the adoption and effectiveness of ODL from the perspective of university students in Pakistan. The study identifies key themes and patterns in students' perceptions of ODL. The analysis reveals several factors influencing students' engagement with ODL platforms, including technological infrastructure, accessibility, course design, instructional methods, social interaction, and support services. Additionally, the study examines the challenges and barriers faced by students in utilizing ODL, such as internet connectivity issues, digital literacy skills, time management, and social isolation. By adopting a thematic research approach, this study provides rich insights into the complexities of ODL adoption among university students in Pakistan. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors shaping students' experiences and preferences in online learning environments, informing strategies for enhancing the design and delivery of ODL programs in the context of Pakistan's higher education landscape.</p> Zikria Mian, Dr. Majid Ali Shah, Zain Ullah Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 30 May 2024 17:55:29 +0300 Woman Is An Obstacle For An Another Woman From Marxist Feminist Perspective In The God Of Small Things By Arundhati Roy <p>. This study assesses The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy from a feminist standpoint. Roy fights against injustice towards women, whose rights are infringed upon in various ways. Roy is repositioning women in Indian society, where they are neglected and oppressed despite their hard labor and duties because of the unequal allocation of power, which renders them inferior, weaker, and dependent. Roy recounts the past while giving women's aspirations, frustrations, and anxieties a voice. Because of their marginalization within the patriarchal social structure, women are often faced with a choice between following social norms and their own intelligence Their attempt to disobey societal laws ends up backfiring on them. Women in Indian society are making an effort to break traditional norms. Their fundamental rights are taken from them. The study's theoretical framework is established in of Feminist Marxist. Marxist feminists contend that the fundamental source of women's oppression in the contemporary social setting is private property, which also leads to economic disparity, reliance, and political and home conflict between the sexes. In order to demonstrate that the patriarchal social structure is the primary source of women's exploitation, this research paper analyzes the text in the context of Marxist-Feminism.</p> Hena Zaib, Nabeela Gul, Shakila Naz, Maria Bibi Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 31 May 2024 17:56:19 +0300 Analyzing the Diplomatic Issues in Pakistan: 2008-2013 <p><em>The following research paper examines the fragile diplomatic landscape of Pakistan during the 4<sup>th</sup> Regime of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) from 2008-2013. The article focusses on the major issues that had profound impact on Pakistan’s foreign relations. The paper includes events likely the divesting Mumbai attack in November 2008 as well as the controversial Abbottabad Operation in May 2011, which resulted the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The research provides a critical appraisal that how the PPP Government handled these events, and more especially its tense relations with the US. The study also examines the impact of controversial Kerry-Luger Bill (KLB), and NATO forces attack on the Salala Check-Post. Furthermore, the article discusses the Raymond Davis incident, which brought widespread anger of Pakistani nation against the CIA contractor. Keeping in view the above events, the paper offers a detailed investigation of the complexities that marked Pakistan diplomacy under the PPP Regime.</em></p> Muhammad Mubeen Gohar, Prof. Dr. Lubna Kanwal Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 31 May 2024 18:34:23 +0300 Effect of Instructional Leadership and Teachers Self- Efficacy on Job Performance at Secondary School <p>Instructional leadership contributes in the development of teacher’s self- efficacy for effectiveness on job performance. This study is quantitative based on correlational survey design. The sample of study consisted of 300 teachers of public sector secondary schools of Punjab. Three data collection tools; Instructional Leadership Questionnaire (ILQ), General Self-efficacy Scale (GSE), Job Performance Scale (JPS) were used to test the effect of the variables. The data were collected through a simple random sampling technique. Content Validity of instruments was ensured with experts. The reliability of (ILQ) .962 ;( GSE); .881 And (JPS); .924 were calculated by applying Cronbach Alpha’s score respectively. The collected data were analyzed employing mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, and linear regression techniques. The results of the study showed positive mean value between instructional leadership and teacher job performance. The results of the study showed that there was a significant and moderate effect of instructional leadership on teacher job performance. On the bases of findings of the study, it was recommended that teacher training institutions prepared modules and training on teachers’ instructional leadership and self-efficacy to improve teachers’ job performance. Head teachers may play role in enhancing teachers’ instructional leadership and self-efficacy to improve teachers job performance that are associated with students’ learning outcomes.</p> Iffat Sultana, Shumail Nasir, Hira Munir, Muhammad Haseeb Nawaz Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 01 Jun 2024 16:51:08 +0300 Impact of Social Media on Education and Students in Somalia: A Comprehensive Overview <p>This study examines the significant impact of social media on Mogadishu, Somalia's<br>educational system. In today's fast-paced world of advancing communication technologies, social<br>media has become a key influencer in various aspects of society, particularly education. Drawing on<br>data from a well-designed survey distributed to students at seven public and private universities in<br>Mogadishu, this research delves into the intricate relationship between social media usage and<br>academic performance. The findings reveal a dual effect of social media: while it enhances<br>collaboration and facilitates access to learning materials, it also poses challenges in maintaining focus<br>and leads to distractions from academic tasks. The study indicates that 29% of students experience a<br>noticeable decline in concentration, whereas 37% of students acknowledge an increased availability<br>of educational resources. To minimize adverse outcomes, the research highlights the importance of<br>integrating social media into educational settings in a balanced manner and supports digital literacy<br>programs, critical thinking development, and community engagement. The results offer evidence-based<br>recommendations for harmonizing the impact of social media with educational goals to enhance<br>academic success and social welfare in Somalia.</p> Hamze Osman Gure, Dr. Sheikh Waleed Rasool Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 01 Jun 2024 17:20:36 +0300 Role of husband in the Loneliness and Oppression Of Wife in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkin Gilman through Feminist Perspective <p>This study attempts to investigate the idea of feminism in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, The Yellow Wallpaper, which examines the issue of female oppression and loneliness from a feminist standpoint. Textual analysis is the method used in this qualitative investigation. The protagonist, a woman, is kept in her room and given the treatment by her physician husband. She is prohibited from participating in things that might inspire her creativity and imagination, which makes her feel alone and isolated.Gilman examines the patriarchal society of her time from the lens of the protagonist.She came to a painting and sensed that it depicted the strangling of a woman. She attempted to crawl out of the painting, but she was unsuccessful. She reflects herself indirectly in the painting's imprisoned woman. She is the real-life embodiment of the downtrodden person caught in the web of patriarchy. The story's yellow wallpaper represents the restrictions placed on the protagonist and other women of her day, emphasizing the tyranny and control of patriarchy they experience. Finally, using a feminist perspective, The Yellow Wallpaper depicts the isolation and loneliness that women experience in a patriarchal society.</p> Nabeela Gul, Awal Said, Anwar Khan, Attiya Fayaz Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 01 Jun 2024 18:30:22 +0300 Magical Version of Migration in Hamid’s Exit West: A Postmodern Perspective <p><em>In the present times world mobility of people has become a normal phenomenon as compared to old days where migration used to be an extra ordinary practice. Hamid in Exit West seems to depict a magical version of migration which visualizes a futuristic perspective. The portrayal of migration in the selected novel demonstrates postmodern aspect of human movement across the world which becomes a cosmopolitan community. This paper aims at exploring this fantastical treatment of migration in the novel and highlighting its implication in the context of postmodernism. The paper has used theory of magical realism as a theoretical framework for the analysis of text and content analysis technique has been employed to interpret the selected passages of the novel. The study concludes that migration has become an unavoidable practice in the wake of postmodern world which has resulted due to pluralism, diversity of cultures and cosmopolitanism. </em></p> Qaiser Hameed, Mukhtiar Hassan, Fatima Batool Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 03 Jun 2024 21:45:54 +0300 Woman Subordination: The Classical and Contemporary Theoretical Discussion <p>This research study focuses on classical and contemporary theories of woman subordination. These theories include the liberal and the radical feminist, the conservative, the classical Marxist and the existentialist perspectives with emphasis on patriarchal social structure and the norm of domesticity. The liberal feminist perspective of women subordination centers upon governmental authority that legitimizes the demarcation of public and private spheres while granting more rights and authority to men and constraining women’s social domain. Radical feminists assert that the oppression of women is linked to the undesirable institutional practices that exert control over the sexual orientation of women such as pornography and prostitution. The classical Marxist approach on the subordination of women attributes it not to any biological flaw, but rather to an evolutionary process in which society transitioned from a matriarchal structure to a patriarchal one. The conservative theorists focus on the biological construction of women as the primary factor of their subordination while the existentialists view human actions as the primary factor of their sub and over-ordination.</p> Sheraz Ali, Maryam Imad, Muhammad Asghar Khan , Majid Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 03 Jun 2024 22:10:52 +0300 From Convention to Action: The Implementation of International Women’s Rights Treaties <p>This article explores the transformation of international women's rights treaties from formal conventions into actionable policies and practices within diverse national contexts. It examines the critical factors influencing the effective implementation of key international frameworks such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Through a comparative analysis of various countries' legal and institutional responses, this research identifies both the successes and challenges of translating international commitments into tangible improvements in women's rights. The study emphasizes the role of domestic legal systems, political will, civil society activism, and international oversight mechanisms in bridging the gap between international norms and local realities. By highlighting best practices and persistent obstacles, the article provides valuable insights for policymakers, advocates, and scholars aiming to enhance the efficacy of international women's rights instruments in fostering gender equality worldwide. The following article employs a qualitative research methodology.</p> Urooj Bashir, Saiqa Sajjad, Nazia Ayub Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:58:55 +0300 Comparative Analysis Of Environmental Laws Of Pakistan And The USA; In Terms Of Legal Framework & Efficacy In Transformation Of Eco-Logical Growth <p>The study in hand is a comparison of environmental laws and regulations in Pakistan and the United<br>States. It appraises the aspects in terms of historical evolution, structure, and scope of legal instruments with<br>reference to environmental glitches. Although there are variances in development stages and governance systems,<br>both countries have put in place legislation for environmental protection with variations regarding their scope<br>and inclusiveness. The study reveals that USA has a more extensive legal framework as a result of its long history<br>of environmental governance through numerous acts dealing with pollution control, biodiversity conservation,<br>and management of natural resources among other things. On the other hand, Pakistan is in its evolutional stage<br>to coup with environmental transformations and reforms.<br>Both the USA and Pakistan comprehend the value of Environmental Impact Assessment and the need for public<br>input in decision-making, but they differ in how they involve the public. Despite these differences, both countries<br>aim to evaluate environmental impacts, manage hazardous waste, and protect endangered species. This<br>comparative study underscores the strengths and weaknesses of both countries’ regulatory structure, providing<br>perspectives on potential enhancements and the flexibility of environmental statutes to address environmental<br>challenges. Research in hand provides a detailed understanding of how different legal frameworks work within<br>their respective environmental pattern.</p> Johar Wajahat, Mahrukh Zahir Shah, Asma Zahir, Marzhzar Tarana Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:45:30 +0300 Destination And Direction of Pakistan's Textile Exports: An Application of Hidden Markov Chain Approach <p>The research uses the Hidden Markov Chain Approach to determine Pakistan's textile exports' direction, destination, and prospect. The study is based on the period between 2013-2022. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and Instability Index extract the direction and destination of Pakistan's textile exports. At the same time, we use the Hidden Markov Chain Approach for the prospects of Pakistan's exports because it shows the potential of the exports concerning the rest of the world. The study results showed that pullover jerseys, cotton towels, and dyed fabric have favorable growth rates and have great potential to increase future export volume. The results also revealed that pullover jerseys, boys' trousers, and cotton towels have much more potential to find new export markets. Based on the results of the present study it is recommended that policy makers should find out the reasond of negative CAGR of cotton yarn, Boy's Trousers, Women's Trousers, and Bedlinen as some of the products have the scope to meet international demand.&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Afaq Hussain, Atif Khan Jadoon, Ghulam Nabi, Shabbir Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 08 Jun 2024 13:44:27 +0300 Analysing the Right to a Fair Trial and Due Process of Law in Service Matters in Pakistan <p>The right to a fair trial and due process of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, particularly in Pakistan. This research explores Pakistan's history of fair trial and due process, focusing on service tribunals' role in employment disputes, emphasizing the country's commitment to upholding the rule of law. The Federal and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Service Tribunals are specialized forums for resolving employment-related disputes involving civil servants, and their adherence to constitutional standards and international principles is crucial.&nbsp; This research aims to examine the intricate dynamics of the right to a fair trial and due process within the specific context of these service tribunals. To achieve the overall aim of the research, the researcher employs a doctrinal research methodology, which is a pure legal research, that includes historical, comparative, critical analysis and qualitative approaches. The researcher has found that the establishment of service tribunals is crucial for justice, equality, and the rule of law, but they face challenges like case backlogs, resource constraints, transparency issues, and concerns about judgment quality. Policymakers should develop measures to streamline processes and ensure uniform adherence to fair trial principles. Recommendations include regular reviews of legislative frameworks, improving legal clarity, providing training courses for judges, members, solicitors, and administrative staff, incorporating technology into procedural components, and promoting public awareness on due process and fair trials laws. To address backlogs in Pakistan's service tribunals, complete case management reforms, funding for infrastructure, adequate resources, improving transparency, quality assurance mechanisms, and public education campaigns should be implemented.</p> Abdur Rehman, Dr. Sadaqat Ali, Dr. Muhammad Fayyaz Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 08 Jun 2024 13:55:52 +0300 Evaluating the Impacts of Judicial Suo Moto Actions in Pakistan: Judicial Overreach or Necessary Oversight <p>This paper critically examines the role of Suo moto actions within Pakistan's judicial system, exploring the dichotomy between necessary judicial oversight and potential overreach. Through a comprehensive review, this research traces the historical evolution of Suo moto powers from their constitutional origins to their current application, juxtaposing Pakistan’s practices with global counterparts for a nuanced understanding. Through detailed case studies, this analysis highlights the transformative impact these judicial interventions have had on governance and societal issues, particularly focusing on human rights and corruption. Conversely, the study also delves into criticisms of judicial overreach, where Suo moto actions may encroach upon the legislative and executive branches, potentially undermining the balance of powers as envisaged in democratic governance. By synthesizing viewpoints from legal scholars, civic bodies, and public opinion, the paper evaluates both the merits and the limitations of Suo moto actions. Recommendations are proposed to refine the exercise of Suo moto powers, advocating for clearer legal guidelines and enhanced judicial accountability. This research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on optimizing judicial intervention in Pakistan, ensuring it serves as a bulwark of justice while maintaining the integrity of a balanced governmental structure.</p> Tehseenullah Khan, Kabeer Khan, Jasaleeq Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 The representation of ‘Ego’ or ‘Khudi’ in Iqbal’s The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam: A Corpus-Based Study <p>The present study tends to reconcile corpus linguistics and the concept of ‘Khudi’ or ‘Ego’, which is fundamental to Iqbal’s philosophy. Corpus tools help in understanding the significance of ‘Ego’ in Iqbal’s philosophy as enunciated in The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. The study follows mixed method of research because it suits the requirements of the study. Analytical data is quantitatively displayed and collected, which is then qualitatively analyzed by the researchers. Sketch Engine is used as a corpus tool that helps in analyzing and representing the actual concept and significance of ‘Ego’ and ‘Khudi’. Results conclude that ‘Ego’ is dominant in the ideology and philosophy of Iqbal as given in the said book. ‘Ego’ appears in the positive manner because not a single instance has been found, in which it is used in a negative sense. Both ‘Ego’ and ‘Khudi’ shares similar meaning yet differently represented. The study is recommended to the academics, students and researchers. The research design and methodology of the present study can be applied to other similar works as well.</p> Wagma Kamran, Hifsa Khan, Asma Ali Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 History of Female medical education in Pakistan: A case study of Fatima Jinnah Medical University <h2><em>Education is essential to a nation's growth and development. Hence, the value of medical education to all aspects of human life covers. After the subcontinent was divided in 1947, two nations were created: Pakistan and India. Pakistan has faces numerous issues since gaining its independence, including the rehabilitation of refugees, water shortages, a shortage of doctors and nurses, a lack of space, etc. When Pakistan first appeared on the map of the world, there were 108 female doctors in West Pakistan and just 3 in East Pakistan. There aren't enough female doctors in the young nation, though.&nbsp; On the other side of Pakistan, there was no facility for girls to receive medical education. In this situation, the Pakistani government founded the Fatima Jinnah Medical College as the nation's first women's medical college. The focus of the academic discipline known as medical education is the study of medicine, particularly the fundamental training required to become a doctor. In Pakistan, formal medical education has a long history. FJMC also has a distinguished past. This institution, which only accepts female students, changed its name to Fatima Jinnah Medical University in 2015.One of them is the educational system of the Fatima Jinnah Medical University, which is committed to the greatest values of all human mental and physical growth.</em></h2> Mariam Hanif , Dr Kalsoom Hanif, Nida Khadim Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:56:07 +0300 Politics of Fantasy as a Manifestation of Female Agency in Bulbbul <p><em>This study explores the significance of the poetics of fantasy in feminist politics that preserve a crucial life-sustaining part when it comes to understanding the struggle of women. Throughout history, literature and cinema have often painted the role of women in a highly artistic manner. Films have become very powerful tools for portraying erotic images related to the female gender. However, in the contemporary age, cinematic representations of women delve into the question of how and why women are portrayed as objectified figure on screen. Therefore, the film Bulbbul serves as an exemplary embodiment of feminist notions achieved through the fantastical means, depicting women living within the patriarchal domains. Through qualitative cross-sectional research, the study collects data from textual analysis of the movie Bulbbul which aims to identify the struggles of women and the popularity of the fantasy genre in attaining autonomy and female agency. Through the interweaving of articles related to Fantasy, Feminist Film theories and Auteur theory, the research focuses on the competence and strength that the female gender possesses in rebelling against the patriarchal world. However, the outcome of this research is to examine the core reasons which empower Bulbbul to challenge patriarchal dogmas and how violence act as a justifiable mean for subversion and Agency. Consequently, the amalgamation of the two different approaches i.e. patriarchal dystopia and fantasy, will allow us to investigate how fantasy is employed by feminists to break patriarchal conventions.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Nimra Batool, Maria Naseem, Sabiha Anum Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:12:25 +0300 The Single story of Afghans and Afghanistan in The Kite Runner <p>Orient is the subject matter of nearly all orientalists’ literary works. But this study utilizing the nexus of Lisa Lau’s Re-orientalism and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Danger of a Single Story to know how Afghan-diasporic writer Khaled Hosseini through his re-orientalistic techniques present a partial image of Afghans’ cultural and religious practices. This qualitative study utilizes textual analysis approach to analyze the text. The people of Afghanistan and their practices are represented in a stereotypical way. The study finds out those techniques that easily categorizes the novel <em>The Kite Runner</em> as a re-orientalist work. On the other hand, the literary representation of Afghans makes the story of the novel fable against the charges of a single story.</p> Mudasir Saleem, Dr. Saiqa Siddiq Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 13 Jun 2024 22:48:36 +0300 Rehabilitation Over Incarceration: An Analysis of Probation Laws in the Criminal Justice System of Pakistan <p>The criminal justice system (CJS) of Pakistan is heavily relying on incarceration which it has inherited from colonial legislations. However, policymakers now have acknowledged its limitations in its capacity for rehabilitation of offenders. Scholars advocate for a shift towards more humane approaches like community rehabilitation and restorative justice, with probation being its key component. This study examines the benefits of effective utilization of probation laws in the CJS of Pakistan. Probation offers a viable alternative to alleviate prison overpopulation. The paper underscores the need to prioritize rehabilitation over incarceration due to the deteriorating conditions of our prisons. This research is conducted to highlight the importance of effective use probation laws keeping in due regard to the international best practices for reintegration of offender and decreasing recidivism. It concludes that it is imperative to prioritize the implementation of probation laws over incarceration for effective offender reintegration in our society.</p> Muhammad Babar Shaheen, Muhammad Sulyman Akbar, Muhammad Waqas Sarwar, Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:10:49 +0300 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Speeches by Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif at the United Nations General Assembly <p>This study investigates the political discourse of two well-known Pakistani politicians, Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif and used Fairclough's 3D model and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as theoretical frameworks. This qualitative research investigates the language and rhetorical techniques used by Ex-Prime Ministers Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan to sway public opinion, rally support, and forward their political objectives through a close analysis of their speeches. Text analysis, discourse practice analysis, and socio-cultural practice analysis are the three primary facets of the research that shed light on the function of language, ideology, and power in political communication. Both leaders, albeit in different ways, successfully communicate with their respective audiences by using a variety of rhetorical strategies, including metaphors, repetition, and analogies. The results shed light on the subtleties of political discourse in Pakistan by highlighting the intricate interactions between language, politics, and society. In the end, this research adds to our knowledge of the dynamics of political communication and governance in Pakistan and provides insightful information to academics, decision-makers, and the general public.</p> Beenish Anwar, Dr Faiqa Abdul Khaliq, Muhammad Haseeb Nawaz, Hira Munir Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:51:19 +0300 Financial Inclusion Dynamics: A Cross-Country Examination of Bank Concentration and Policy Strategies <p>Financial inclusion, ensuring access to affordable financial products and services, is vital for economic development and poverty reduction. This study investigates the relationship between bank concentration, policy mix, and financial inclusion dynamics in developed and developing nations across 2014, 2017, and 2021. Utilizing financial inclusion as the dependent variable, factors such as bank concentration, fiscal freedom, monetary freedom, globalization, education, and urbanization are examined as independent determinants. Separate analyses for each country group enable cross-country comparisons and policy insights. The findings reveal a consistent hindrance to financial inclusion due to high bank concentration across all years and in both developing and developed countries, highlighting the critical need to diversify financial institutions for enhanced access. The impact of fiscal freedom shows shaded patterns, with a modestly negative effect in 2017 for developing nations, underscoring the necessity for tailored fiscal policies to actively promote inclusion. Monetary freedom positively influences financial inclusion in 2014 and 2017, diminishing by 2021. Globalization consistently fosters financial inclusion, though its significance fades in developed countries in 2021. Education emerges as a key driver, displaying a robust positive relationship across all years and countries. Urbanization's impact varies, with significant positive effects in 2017 but diminishing significance by 2021. Policymakers are urged to diversify financial institutions, tailor fiscal policies, and ensure monetary stability. Fostering globalization and strategic investments in education are identified as effective strategies for enhancing financial inclusion, with a call for adaptable, context-specific approaches to ensure inclusive economic growth.</p> Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Wajeeha Iqbal, Amjad Ali, Sunble Shahzadi Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Influence of Digital Technologies on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance of Project Base Manufacturing Organization of Pakistan: An Empirical Study Based on Mediating and Moderating Model. <p>This study investigates the influence of digital technologies on sustainable supply chain performance in project-based manufacturing organizations in Pakistan. The study contributes to the mediating role of digital supply chain integration between digital technologies and sustainable supply chain performance. Furthermore, the study contributes to the moderating role of digital leadership between digital technologies and supply chain integration. The study survey data of 402 professionals was collected from project-based manufacturing organizations in Lahore, Pakistan. The study results indicated that digital technologies have positively influenced sustainable performance in the manufacturing organization of Lahore, Pakistan. The study result shows that digital technologies significantly positively influence sustainable performance in project-based manufacturing organizations in Pakistan. The study contributes a partial positive mediating role of digital supply chain integration between digital technologies and sustainable supply chain performance. Furthermore, the study contributes to the significant moderator role of digital leadership between digital technologies and digital supply chain integration. This study offers valuable information for professionals on improving sustainable performance through digital technologies, integration, and leadership. Specifically, this study shows that implementing digital technologies increases supply chain practices efficiency in terms of sustainability and operation for the long term.</p> Fahad Saddique, Muhammad Imran Khan, Khalil Nasir Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Early Age Forced Marriages of Girls: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and Australia <p><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Cross-country comparison, specifically between a developed country and developing country, is very useful because it indicates which factors are central to the problem. The following settings provide strong foundation to make comparison between Australia and Pakistan for deep understanding of the issue of early age force marriages of girls. Firstly, Australia is a developed country;</em><em> a cross- cultural research is one of the Australian Government’s priorities for global political, social and economic reforms and Pakistan can take advantage of this commitment. </em><em>Secondly, both countries have signed and ratified the major relevant international conventions and agreements. This shows that both countries are committed to eliminate this problem of early age marriages of girls in their societies. Thirdly, both countries adopted inherited British legal justice system based on Common Law and the British system of governance;</em><em> therefore there are common elements of interest across different areas of governance and legislation</em><em>. Accordingly, both countries have enacted legislation, devised policy and operational procedures for implementation that provides a firm basis to compare both countries governance and legal system. Fourthly, a large number of diasporas or immigrants from Pakistan are residing in Australia, who tries to maintain active connections with their culture, traditions and norms of place of origin. </em></p> Zalay Huma Kayani, Hamaish Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Role of African Union on Somalia’s Peace Building and Reconstruction <p>This Paper addresses a theoretical gap on Somalia’s reconstruction and to pave way to the peace process. The research critically examines the role of traditional institutions and authorities in this process, to enable the nation taste a stable and perfect political system. This country of east Africa has a long-term challenge in her, history due to a long-standing battle that destroyed its infrastructure and economy. This report reviews the role of neighboring governments in Somalia's reconstruction efforts, considering geopolitical, economic, and security factors. It assesses the positive and negative effects of regional involvement, focusing on infrastructure development, capacity building, and peacebuilding activities. The article also addresses how regional involvement may affect Somalia's state-building and sovereignty, emphasizing the need for a careful balance between foreign assistance and homegrown ownership. In addition, it discusses the possible dangers of relying too much on regional players as well as the requirement for a cogent and inclusive governance strategy for restoration. All things considered, this research clarifies the intricate dynamics of regional participation in Somalia's reconstruction and provides suggestions for maximizing the benefits of that involvement while minimizing dangers and difficulties.</p> Hamdi Osman Muhumed, Dr. Sheikh Waleed Rasool Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Language Attitudes and Language Choices among Undergraduate English Language Learners: A Comparative Study of Sindhi and English Language at University of Sindh <p>The current research study aims to analyse the language attitudes of undergraduate English language learners (ELLs) towards both (Sindhi and English) languages. It aims to investigate the language choices of undergraduate English language learners (ELLs) in different domains of language use.&nbsp; The study uses the quantitative research design, the questionnaire survey was distributed among 150 participants who were selected through purposive sampling. The results show that participants have almost the same attitude towards both (Sindhi and English) languages. Exploring their attitudes towards the Sindhi language, they stated that Sindhi is our mother tongue, it’s our childhood language, and it should be used in all domains of language use, it must be used in all domains of language use, nevertheless, they indicated that Sindhi should be taught side by side with the English language. Moreover, by exploring their attitudes towards the English language in comparison to the Sindhi language, the participants stated that it's important for them to speak English in all the domains, English should be learned everywhere because it’s the official language of the state, Knowledge of English made possible for them to advance academically, its necessary for their success in career, lastly, they even declared that learning the English language improves their economic status. Furthermore, while talking about language choices, the participants stated that they prefer to use mostly the Sindhi language with family members and relatives. In the domain of language use at university they declared that mostly use both (Sindh and English) languages at university, in terms of language use in the domain of media, the participants said that they use both (Sindhi and English) languages. Lastly, for the domain of language use for emotional expression, they indicated that they mostly prefer the Sindhi language. &nbsp;</p> Nishfa Rajper Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 16 Jun 2024 22:17:18 +0300 Impact Of Mass Migration In Reshaping The World <p>Globalization-related migration, which is characterized by migrants traveling in search of better economic opportunities, is an example of regional economic disparities as well as growing social inequality. The trend of global migration is inevitable in this age of globalization and has a constant<br>impact on the world. This study aims to advance theoretical and empirical understanding of the pandemic's impacts on migration and migration-related diversification. Furthermore, it is hoped that approaching things from a wider context, will not only enhance our empirical understanding but also help us begin to conceptualize how the pandemic will influence philosophical and theoretical thoughts in migration studies and, consequently, the role of mobility in changing the global order as it exists today. This will advance the field of research in the context of the expanding bystander effect, where it is not improbable that other occurrences of these types will occur in the future</p> Walija Mumtaz, Dr.Muhammad Ramzan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:00:19 +0300 The Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010: A Milestone for the Provinces <p><em>The Eighteenth Amendment in the constitution of Pakistan was enacted by parliament in April 2020. The Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 marked a significant turning point in Pakistan's constitutional evolution by redefining the federal-provincial relationship. This research article examines the amendment's profound implications for provincial autonomy, fiscal decentralization, and governance dynamics.</em></p> <p><em>The eighteenth amendment amended 102 articles in the constitution. This amendment focused the restoration of the constitution, supremacy of parliament and upholding the provincial autonomy. This paper discusses the salient features of the 18<sup>th</sup> amendment in this regard.</em></p> Sana Jabeen Aslam, Dr. Zafar Mohyuddin Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 19 Jun 2024 21:53:33 +0300 Flaws In Child Protection Laws In Pakistan: Under The Umbrella Of International Standards <p>This research study critically examines the child protection laws in Pakistan within the framework of international standards. It aims to identify and dissect the shortcomings and inadequacies in Pakistan's legal framework concerning the safeguarding of children's rights. Employing a rigorous methodological approach, the research begins with an extensive overview of the international conventions and treaties ratified by Pakistan, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other relevant international instruments. The study analyzes the existing child protection laws and regulations in Pakistan, tracing their evolution, effectiveness, and implementation. It reveals significant gaps in legal definitions, inconsistent enforcement, and disparities across provinces within Pakistan's child protection laws. Furthermore, the research identifies several challenges hindering the practical realization of children's rights, such as issues related to access to justice, awareness, and the roles of various stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies and civil society. By juxtaposing the domestic legal framework with international standards, the study pinpoints misalignments and deviations, underscoring the urgent need for reforms. The findings highlight the imperative of aligning Pakistan's domestic legislation with global expectations to safeguard children's rights and well-being. This study aims to inform policymakers, legal practitioners, and advocates dedicated to advancing child protection in Pakistan and fostering compliance with international obligations. The proposed recommendations serve as a roadmap for legal and policy reforms necessary to enhance the protection of children's rights in Pakistan.</p> Muhammad Awais Akhtar, Dr. Sheikh Muhammad Adnan, Khurram Baig, Abid Hussain Shah Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 19 Jun 2024 22:20:22 +0300 Temporal Displacement And Cultural Identity: A Study Of Changez’s Narrative In Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist <p>This research paper examines the process of identity development experienced by the main character, Changez, in Mohsin Hamid's novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist. The text is set against the backdrop of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. Amidst such a tumultuous scenario, the preservation of one's identity becomes an exceedingly critical concern, particularly for individuals hailing from economically disadvantaged regions. The protagonist Changez undergoes a series of stages in his personal and cultural identity while in the United States. The protagonist's ideological perspective is undoubtedly influenced by the writer's Pakistani background. The researcher has attempted to examine the three phases of identity development using Eura Jung and Michael L. Hecht's (1993) Communication Theory of Identity (CTI), which encompasses four frames: personal, enacted, relational, and communal. However, the researcher has restricted his research to solely focusing on the application of relational frame. The protagonist's relationship identity has been emphasized by the use of 'I/We - You' pronouns, creating a contrasting comparison pattern.</p> Zahid Farooq, Rafia Kiran Zahid, Ahmad Ali Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 20 Jun 2024 21:23:40 +0300 Cultural Heritage Of Potohar: Role Of Digital Anthropology In Molding The Cultural Legacy <p>The preservation and development of the potohar region's cultural legacy are greatly aided by Digital Anthropology. In the middle of modernization and tradition, potohar boasts a diverse range of historical sites, customs, and artistic expression. In order to record, interpret, and promote potohar's cultural legacy, this study investigate the use of digital tools and methodologies. We study the ways in which digital ethnography, social media, 3D modeling, and virtual reality facilitate the preservation of intangible cultural elements like rituals, folklore, and oral histories. Furthermore, in order to guarantee that potohar's cultural legacy is passed on to future generations, the study looks at how digital platforms can promote intercultural communication and community involvement. By employing qualitative research methods, this study highlights the potential of Digital Anthropology and continuity in the digital era.</p> Faiqa Iftikhar, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 20:38:40 +0300 Education and role of private sectors: A case study of Pakistani NGOs <p>This article describes the instructional offerings supplied by the Aga Khan development community branch (AKESP) for primary schooling. It turns out that AKESP primary schools offer loose admission to all college students. All instructors at AKESP are respected and that they provide the contemporary curriculum. AKESP schools have top fixtures, power, constructing, library, church, laptop laboratory, clean water and easy lavatories. Scholarships are given to disadvantaged college students, and discounted tuition costs are given to illiterate College students. This direction is designed to satisfy the needs of AKESP number one college students.. A examine may be conducted based totally on the fine of education in AKESP primary schools and public primary schools, or the distinction in the provision of facilities in AKESP number one schools and number one colleges can be checked.</p> Sadam Hussain, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 20:44:30 +0300 Exploration of Stigma Around Men's Mental Health: Insights from University Students in Pakistan <p>At the core of universities in Pakistan, a troubling crisis unfolds: the stigmatization of men's mental health, undermining the well-being of male students across the country, leaving many to suffer in silence. The research aimed to explore and identify the stigma, manifested in the form of various negative stereotypes, taboos, and prejudices, directed towards men suffering from mental health problems. A survey method of research was conducted among male students from 22 different universities in 11 cities across Pakistan, in order to explore their experiences of mental health stigmatization. A total of 95 students, aged eighteen and above, took part in the survey. The findings from the survey showed that a substantial majority of male students reported witnessing or experiencing stigma related to men's mental health. The results demonstrated that stigma personifies men experiencing mental health concerns as weak, vulnerable, or shameful, obscuring their struggles under a shadow of misconception. The findings further shed light on how stigma creates barriers that deter men from seeking help for issues related to mental health, due to the sustained fear of facing judgment or shame. Consequently, a damaging cycle of silence and stigma takes root, reinforcing negative beliefs surrounding men’s mental health concerns.</p> Fatima Arshad, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:07:17 +0300 Exploring How Patriarchal Systems Shape Gender Roles In Society <p><em>Patriarchy is the concept of male dominance in society and his is considered as prior and dominant in various domains of society. Male member of house is given the right of decision making and holds all the power which ultimately leads to the oppression of women owing her to traditional roles. This creates a space leading to the gender inequality. Women has to face the oppression, inferiority and discrimination. In this paper we are going to unveil the patriarchal practices in district Sudhnoti Ajk, and how these practices have shaped the society over there.Paper is written after collecting the primary data by using qualitative method of research. Case studies , in-depth interviews and observation are used to gather data. This research paper aims to draw the picture of real consequences in Sudhnoti Ajk regarding patriarchy&nbsp; and to know that how the situation has changed and what are the impacts of male dominance in shaping the overall society. This research will help out the government and policy makers to make policies keeping in view the real consequences of area, which will ultimately help us in eradicating the racism , gender discrimination and biases.</em></p> Warisha Fatima, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:12:21 +0300 Exploring Unethical Consideration in Ophthalmology; Insight Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi <p>This research examines unethical issues related to ophthalmology at fauji foundation Hospital, emphasis the perspectives of patients, ophthalmic physicians, and paramedical staff members. Maintaining patient trust and the integrity of healthcare delivery are dependent upon the implementation of ethical principles in medical settings. This study intends to uncover common unethical behaviors and the underlying causes of these problems in the ophthalmology department through in-depth interviews and participant observations.</p> <p>An extensive analysis of a number of unethical activities is part of the study, including discrimination or favoritism towards staff relatives and insufficient methods for obtaining informed permission.</p> <p>Interviews with patients offer insightful information about their perspectives on ethical care and their experiences, pointing out areas that want improvement. The result shows that although fauji foundation Hospital makes an effort to follow moral guidelines, there are important areas that need to be addressed in order to stop unethical behavior. These include developing an environment filled with accountability and ongoing ethical improvement, strengthening openness in patient care choices, and increasing training and communication on ethical standards</p> Ariba Zahoor Ahmed, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:20:19 +0300 Maternity Care In Pakistan: Exploring Cultural Beliefs And Resource Allocation <p>This article aims to shed light on the dynamics of Maternity Care in Pakistan by examining the relationships of cultural beliefs and resource allocation with it. It provides suggestions for improving the standard, accessibility of resources for pregnant women as well as exploring the diverse cultural beliefs women experience during pregnancy.</p> <p>The complex relationship between cultural perspectives and resource allocation in Pakistan’s maternity care has an important effect on pregnant mother’s experiences and outcomes. It explores the web of cultural norms, traditions, and socioeconomic factors that influence women’s experiences and access to healthcare in Pakistan. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of existing literature and qualitative data, this study also explores the different elements of the cultural beliefs surrounding pregnancy also shedding light on traditional practices, familial influences, social networks and new medical inventions.</p> <p>Moreover, this article also investigates the problems caused by the distribution of resources in the Pakistani healthcare system, including disparities in infrastructure, the behavior of the staff towards patient, and availability of maternal services regarding health. The method of data collection has been qualitative.</p> <p>Approximately twenty-five Islamabad’s locals, including mothers, pregnant women, and medical professionals, participated in in-depth interviews that provided the data about the insights of the cultures. The literature review was done to analyze the situation of hospitals for maternity care in Pakistan and the budget</p> Eman Khan, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:28:52 +0300 Menstrual Stigma: Dispelling Myths And Misconceptions <p>Menstrual stigma remained a pervasive societal issue, sustained by deep-rooted myths and misconceptions. This paper examined the impact of menstrual stigma, exploring its effects on individuals’ physical, emotional, and social well-being. The paper focused on the various myths and misconceptions surrounding menstruation, examined their impact on females’ lives, and developed strategies to dispel menstrual stigma and myths effectively. The research included a mixed-method approach. Through a comprehensive review of literature, numerous surveys, personal observations, and interviews, common misconceptions surrounding menstruation and their consequences on females’ lives were identified. How people of a society symbolize menstruation also influences the behavior and attitude towards menstruating females. That’s why strategies for combating menstrual stigma were also proposed in this paper. This paper hoped to contribute in creating a more informed, supportive, and inclusive society for menstruating women.</p> <p>Menstrual stigma is the common issue existing in almost all society. Menstrual stigma and negative social attitudes towards menstruating females creates obstacles in their economic opportunity as well as social participation and impact their mental and physical well-being. Culture of silence on menstruation also perpetuate menstrual stigma. The paper aims to eliminate false statements, wrong believes and untrue sayings about menstruation that creats embarrass environment for women as well as aims to foster a culture of openness and acceptance about menstruation in a society.</p> Hamna Abbasi , Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:34:53 +0300 The Changing Patterns Of Traditional Marriages System In Bajaur <p>The main purpose of writing this report is to examine how the marriage system is changing over the time in Bajaur due to technological advancement and with the increase influence of social media on people traditional patterns of marriages. Due to globalization the world is changing so as the marriage system of the village is also changing.</p> <p>The addition of a type of dowry, decorating the groom’s room by the bride’s family. Make-up system for brides in marriage. A qualitative research method is used to gather the data under which the tool is use interview guide.</p> <p>Type of dowry system put a burden on families of brides and in future the daughter will become a burden on family due to so much expectations of home appliances from bride’s family which will lead to physical and mental torture from groom’s side and the late marriages system will start due to the curse of dowry. Make-up and photography also put an extra burden on families in the marriage.</p> <p>Ultimately the families will face so much difficulties in future in marriage of their daughter. They will saw their daughter as burden for them which lead to mentally unstability for both the family and the girl</p> Inam Ullah, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:39:46 +0300 Tourism Challenge And Opportunities In Gilgit-Baltistan: A Case Study Skardu <p>The tourism area is one of the significant supporters of the economy of the Northern Areas. It is considered that more than half of international visitors to Pakistan visit the northern regions. With five peaks above 8000 meters, including the world's second-highest peak, K2, the Himalayas' northern regions are regarded as a trekkers' and mountaineers' paradise. They are located in the confluence of three powerful mountain ranges: the Karakoram, the Hindu Kush, and the Himalayas. Northern districts have an unexpected normal legacy with boundless archeological terminuses and solid designs, this exploration means to give a top-to-bottom concentrate on the travel industry Advancement in Gilgit Baltistan addressing the long, fierce history and different societies of the area. This case study examines " Tourism Challenge and Opportunity in Skardu." The district Skardu is one of the foremost valleys in Gilgit Baltistan. Tourism plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of areas. The Valley is miraculously grabbing, attracting visitors from all over the world. It is one of the major tourist attractions in Gilgit, located only 199.7 kilometers from Gilgit City. The majority of locals speak Balti and are dispersed throughout the villages. Agriculture and livestock are the primary sources of income. Because there is a lot of agricultural land in the area, tourists can enjoy the free livestock roaming on the farms. The study examines the numerous facets of the region's tourism expansion and its effects on the community, environment, and economy. The Skardu district in the picturesque Gilgit Baltistan region of northern Pakistan is gradually becoming known as a promising tourist destination. This abstract provides an understanding of the tourism potential and attractions of Gilgit Baltistan's Skardu, which draws visitors due to its breathtaking natural beauty. The magnificent mountain ranges, winding rivers, and lush valleys that make up the area make it ideal for adventure tourism, making Skardu a growing hotspot for trekking, hiking, and exploring the outdoors. The travel industry advancement in Gilgit-Baltistan noticed the development and expansion of the area's travel industry-related set-up, administrations, and attractions. It involves accomplishments with the goals of increasing the number of visitors to Gilgit-Baltistan, spreading sustainable tourism practices, and increasing visitor knowledge. House guesthouses, hostels, convenient transportation options, as well as the upkeep and promotion of cultural heritage sites and natural environments, are all examples of this. Also, transportation administrations like carriers, cabs, and visit administrators benefit from the inundation of sightseers, invigorating financial exercises, and pay age. Tourism encourages the expansion of local and small businesses. Craftsmen, artisans, and proprietors of souvenir shops capitalize on the demand for traditional handicrafts, textiles, and cultural artifacts. This helps the region's economy as well as its cultural heritage by preserving and promoting local arts and crafts.</p> Nasrullah Ali, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:48:13 +0300 Traditional Medicinal Practices And Health Beliefs In Kohala, Haripur District <p><em>The present qualitative study explicates the traditional medicinal practices in culture and health belief in Kohala region of Pakistan, Haripur District. Having engaged ethnographic study of individuals with diversified ages and backgrounds, the researcher considers the continuity of traditional healing methods in the community, roles played by traditional medicine men and the interaction of modern medicine with traditional one. A study has unraveled an entrenched cultural element in the medicinal practices of tribal communities, these being established because to their holistic technique to health problems, available results and lower immensity. Although fully-fledged contemporary medicine can provide substantial relief from acute and urgent illnesses, close-knit traditional medicine systems are still essential in the promotion of health prevention, treatment of the chronic, and the encompassment of the spiritual and emotional components of health. The report brings into focus the need for additional research findings to document, assess and incorporate these practices into the health care framework of Kohala that will assure a patient culturally responsive and comprehensive behavior to health and wellness. Moreover, the study has underlined the fact that research findings are necessary when one is considering the bring of these practices into mainstream health care systems.</em></p> Amina Bibi, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:51:27 +0300 Unearthing The Past; Exploring Archeological Tourism In Takht Bhai, Mardan <p><em>Pakistan, a land of rich cultural heritage and significant archeological spots is recognized world wide. This paper examines the undying essence of rich archeological tourism spot in one of the main provinces of Pakistan, i.e. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This research paper explores the potential for developing archaeological tourism in Takhbaii, a region rich in historical and cultural heritage. By examining the historical significance of Takhbaii, reviewing relevant literature, and outlining the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the region’s potential as a tourist destination. The research objectives include understanding local perceptions, assessing current infrastructure, and identifying strategies for sustainable tourism development. Using interviews and surveys, this exploratory study gathers insights from locals and tourists. The findings suggest that with improved infrastructure, effective marketing, and sustainable practices, Takhbaii can become a prominent site for archaeological tourism, benefiting both the local economy and cultural &nbsp;&nbsp;practices. </em></p> Syed Atif Ali Shah, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 22 Jun 2024 21:54:19 +0300 Exploring Healthcare Accessibility: Unveiling The Challenges And Opportunities in Rural Communities of Talagang <p>This study looks into the nuances of healthcare accessibility in Talagang's rural villages, giving light on the complexities of the problems encountered and potential solutions. The study provides an in-depth overview of the contemporary healthcare scene by combining qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, and on-the-ground observations. The findings highlight important challenges such as geographical isolation, insufficient infrastructure, financial limits, and a shortage of skilled healthcare workers. Additionally, socio-cultural variables and low health literacy exacerbate gaps in access to care. Despite these challenges, the analysis reveals interesting areas for improvement.</p> <p>Leveraging technology, such as telemedicine and mobile health units, appears to be a promising strategy for closing the healthcare gap in remote populations. Further, community-based programs, such as recruiting healthcare volunteers and advocating health education, have the potential to produce long-term changes. Policy recommendations prioritize improving healthcare facilities, rewarding medical workers to work in remote locations, and encouraging involvement in the community. By unraveling the complexity of healthcare availability in rural Talagang, this study hopes to provide evidence-based solutions suited to these communities' specific needs, eventually leading to equal healthcare access and enhancing overall health.</p> Haseena Arshad , Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:43:47 +0300 Navigating adversity, Exploring the psychosocial resilience of marginalized group’s. <p><em>The contemporary era of globalization, is creating homogenization of various cultures, ethnicities, languages and customs. This homogenization might cause hegemonic western traditions. Hence, to preserve and secure one’s identity and uniqueness, some groups or societies might become resilience towards the growing westernization. This study focuses the , marginalized groups of the contemporary globalized world and the ways they face &nbsp;numerous challenges,, including systemic discrimination, social inequalities, economic disparities, and suppression. Despite these challenges, many members within these communities exhibit &nbsp;remarkable psychological resilience, navigating the capability to address adversity and emerge rigid . This paper observes Rawalpindi, as the growing hub of diversity and examines several cases as a case study. The exploratory methodology has been implied to collect qualitative data. In depth interviews through closed ended, structured surveys has been used as a method for the collection of primary data directly form the respondents. The secondary data has been collected through the research papers that were published. Whereas the qualitative data analysis have been done through discourse analysis technique . The findings indicates an encouraging insight . The limitations of the paper have been mentioned as well Along with the future implications and policy making to promote equality, inclusivity, justice in a community. </em></p> Tabassum Naz, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:55:45 +0300 Customer Satisfaction with Public Transport: the case of Metro Bus Service <p>The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between the satisfaction of customers and quality of service in relation to the Metro Bus Service in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The factors that affect the customer satisfaction were explored through three dimensions and defined in the study. Therefore, a causal relationship was developed between the Metro Bus Services and the satisfaction of customers. For studying the customer satisfaction in public transport, the research paradigm pragmatism is chosen. In this research paradigm, the researcher not only perceives the reality but also the results are based on the interpretations of the individuals as well Data was collected through the questionnaire and quantitative research methods. SPSS is used to analyse the data and it is found that the significant results are shown for the reliability and tangibility whereas the other dimension is not supported by the research results. Therefore, the customer satisfaction and perception of service quality of Metro Bus can be improved through enhanced reliability nd improving the features reflected in tangibility. This will lead to the customer satisfaction and improved service delivery through the Metro Bus Service.</p> Ihsan Ellah Zahoor, Hamze Osman Gure, Dr. Sheikh Waleed Rasool Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 26 Jun 2024 16:19:37 +0300 Unveiling The Effect Of Inflation On University Graduates In Pakistan <p><em>This study examines the effects of high inflation rates on the academic, financial, and psychological well-being of university graduates in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. For students and recent graduates, inflation poses serious issues since it raises the cost of education and living expenditures. The purpose of this study is to provide light on the financial and socioeconomic strains that these people experience. Specifically, it will look at how inflation worsen the financial hardships and fuels socioeconomic inequality, especially for those from lower-income families.</em> <em>Both primary and secondary data collection approaches are used in this study. Structured interviews were used to collect primary data from students and recent graduates at different universities, including the anthropology department at PMAS Arid Agriculture University. The literature that already existed and statistics reports on inflation and its effects on the economy were the sources of secondary data. Using theories like the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Conservation of Resources Theory to examine students' stress levels and coping strategies, the explanatory research approach was applied to comprehend the complex impacts of inflation. In order to offer a more comprehensive picture of individual experiences. The results highlight the critical need for strong support networks, practical coping mechanisms, and active measures to lessen the negative consequences of inflation on graduates and students. This study emphasizes the significance of addressing both economic and psychological components, which adds to a deeper understanding of the inflation situation. The aim is ultimately to promote fair access to education and job possibilities.</em></p> Fatima Farooq , Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:56:28 +0300 Unmaking The Myth: A Case Study Of Polio Persistence In Rawalpindi, Pakistan <p>Despite considerable local and international efforts to eradicate it, the polio epidemic still exists in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. This research explores the fundamental causes of the ongoing poliovirus transmission in Rawalpindi in order to provide more information for eradication initiatives. The study integrated quantitative data from Google Forms surveys and secondary data analysis with qualitative insights from in-depth interviews and focus groups with locals and healthcare professionals. This was done using a mixed-methods methodology. The results highlight challenges related to access, lack of knowledge, and mistrust in the community that are logistical, cultural, and financial obstacles to the elimination of polio. By directing specific initiatives to address these issues, these agreements would aid in improving the polio eradication progress in Rawalpindi and other related regions.</p> Armeen Khan, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:27:49 +0300 Research Design in Mass Media Research: An Overview and Guidelines <p>&nbsp;From a research point of view, it is essential to comprehend the purpose and objectives of the research design as efficacy of the research study depends on its design. Therefore, it is imperative to have sufficient knowledge regarding the nature, elements and types of research design. The study in hand intends to enhance our understanding about the role that design plays across the whole process of research in the field of mass media, from defining the topic to evaluating and reporting outcomes. In order to provide a summary of the design study, this paper sheds light on each topic included in the research design and explicates how the research design functions to address any study's question. More specifically, the study reviews the significance of research design by enquiring how design answers the research questions and which design is more suitable for the study and how design fits into the research. It provides a succinct explanation of the research methodology and highlights the academic distinction between research methodologies and research methodology. The study methodology's philosophical considerations i.e. ontology, epistemology, and axiology are also briefly described. These meta-theoretical underpinnings, which address ontology (nature of reality), epistemology (nature of knowledge), and axiology (nature of ‘general’ values) have profound impacts on development and evaluation of theory in social science research.</p> Ayesha Ijaz, Laraib Mariam Imrana Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:17:27 +0300 Understanding Urban Growth: Implications For Our Environment <p>The research paper is about the impacts of urbanization on environmental degradation and it mainly focuses on how different factors contribute in urbanization and how different cultures influence environment. The research paper highlights the key factors of environmental degradation and what are the impacts of environmental degradation on human beings and other living beings.</p> <p>It also focuses on cultural aspects, how environment shape culture and how environment is influenced by culture. Importance of healthy environment and cons of degraded environment is also being discussed in this research paper.</p> <p>Through two different theories, modernization and ecological, environmental degradation is discussed with relation to urbanization.&nbsp; Conceptual framework is also done on various concepts that contributes in environmental degradation. Relationship between urbanization and environmental degradation is defined through theoretical and conceptual frameworks.</p> <p>Explanatory methodology is used in this research and different methods such as articles review, online surveys and personal observation are conducted to obtain desire results. Both primary and secondary data is use in this research paper.</p> <p>80 respondents recorded their responses and viewpoints on urbanization and environmental degradation and more than 50% respondents think that Environmental degradation is the result of urbanization. Role of anthropologists is also discussed in this research paper and how anthropological theories play important role in environment protection and preservation.</p> Ayesha Sikander, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:45:49 +0300 Perception Of Development In Indigenous Community <p>This research dives into the attitudes and view point of the indigenous communities towards the development, focusing on various aspects which include culture, environment, resources, and livelihood. Indigenous peoples are often deeply connected to their traditions, land, and resources, shaping their insight about development. This study aims to explore how indigenous communities sought development, examining both positive and negative attributes towards it. Strategies for promoting environmentally friendly developmental practices within indigenous contexts are also explored. This article uses the explanatory method. It is used to examine the relationship between people, development, power and different factors that are contributing to the perception of development in the community. This paper will explain that how development effect the culture, tradition and customs of different communities by keeping in mind the information and detail provided earlier by the different researchers and the people point of view.</p> <p>The purpose of explanatory method is to explain the relationship between different factors. It often implies quantitative method. This report is based on both primary and secondary data. Different articles have been studied related indigenous people and their perception about development and the relationship between different factors like development, poverty, inequality, power. This paper also discusses that what measures should be taken to cope with the alarming issues. Using different methods and tools such as questionnaire, Google form, case studies, and review of document for in-depth knowledge about the topic</p> Arooj Malik, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:24:22 +0300 Psycho Social Challenges Faced By Elderly Individuals Of Gilgit Baltistan <p>Ageing is a natural and a simultaneous phenomena and all individuals are to observe this at the last stages of their lives. In today’s modern world, The aging population is a growing concern , and Gilgit Baltistan, a remote region in Pakistan, is no exception. This qualitative study aimed to explore the social effects of age on elderly individuals in Gilgit Baltistan, examining the impact of age on their social relationships, community participation, and overall well-being. The methodology applied was exploratory, the method was in-depth interviews while using interview guide as a tool for qualitative data collection. <strong>&nbsp;</strong>Using a phenomenological approach, 30 elderly individuals (aged 60-80 years) from various districts in Gilgit Baltistan were recruited through purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews were carried out &nbsp;to gather primary &nbsp;data on their experiences, thoughts , and feelings about aging. The results of the research study provides that age has a significant impact on the psychological and social lives of elderly individuals . The research outcomes have significant consequences for regulations and strategies in Gilgit Baltistan suggesting that addressing the social effects of aging requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the unique challenges faced by elderly individuals in this region.</p> Nishat Bano, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:37:20 +0300 Social Identity and Belongings Among Immigrant Communities: A Cross-Cultural Examination <p>Globalization continue to reshape societies, the ratio of emigration and immigration increases rapidly thus this research helps to understand how immigrants construct and formulate their sense of identity and belongings. This study aims to unfold the dynamics of social identity and belongings within immigrant communities through a cross-cultural lens. The present study experimentally investigate the effect on social identity and belongings among immigrants communities. This research Proposal aims to expose the dynamics of social identity in a way that, it focus on the impact immigrants creates in their new residence&nbsp; and the challenges they face due to interactions with local population. By conducting a cross-cultural examination this study seeks to shed light on the complexities of immigrants&nbsp; interaction&nbsp; and the role of social identity in shaping intergroup relations. Via qualitative methods this research will unfold different experiences of immigrant communities across different cultural context. Through ethnographic analysis several key factors have been revealed that shed light over the fact either the immigrants or the local people have rigid behavior.</p> Alishba Shahid, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:09:24 +0300 Climate Change and Town Planning: An Anthropological Assessment of Urban Morphology <p>The title of the research is Climate Change and Town Planning: An Anthropological Assessment of Urban Morphology. Climate change has a significant impact on urban systems all over the world. Even said, it may be possible for humanity to work together to decrease the severity of these effects. Particularly in Islamabad, Pakistan, the population they sustain, the services they provide, and urban systems as a whole will all be significantly impacted by this. Our understanding of how to modify the urban design to accommodate climate change is the primary driving force behind this study. By highlighting the role that institutions play in the process of integrating climate change considerations into urban planning decisions and practices, the study aims to advance knowledge. Altering fuel and energy consumption patterns also has an impact on how much pollution produced by human settlements. The researcher will gather qualitative data from participants. An interview guide and a self-administered questionnaire will be used as a tool for data collection. In addition, field observation will also be utilized as a method and source of data collection. This study will investigate issues/challenges in which tools like urban planning regimes around the globe have access to and use plan-making, stakeholder interaction, development management, and design standards. The results of the key informant interviews are in line with both the current urban environment and the master plan to promote a healthy built environment. Informants emphasize that lack of resources; Infrastructure Development and low awareness of climate resilience are the main obstacles to putting sustainable urban planning into exercise.</p> Naina Pervaiz, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:38:10 +0300 Unveiling Urban Stories: Exploring Cultural Heritage Conservation Strategies In City Centers <p><em>The contemporary era of globalization and modernization is leading towards global homogeneity of cultures. This often leads to the dominance of one particular culture ,suppressing the others. Hence, in order to ensure survival and existence of those cultures, it is crucial to preserve their unique identity, traditions and customs. This study views cultural heritage as a conservative strategy of cultural traditions and values in urban regions that are more subjected towards globalization. The research methodology applied is Exploratory, using in-depth interviews and survey as a method for primary data collection from randomly selected respondents. The interviews were open ended unstructured questions regarding the significance of cultural heritage in an urban context. The locale of the study was Raja Bazaar, Rawalpindi. Rawalpindi, a hub of diversity, opportunities and tolerance , with a rich &nbsp;historical &nbsp;and cultural significance, faces globalization and of urban development , challenging for the preservation of its rich cultural heritage. The findings suggest that the local residents are being affected by the globalized era and feel hard in preservation of their cultural traditions and values. &nbsp;By unraveling the urban stories embedded within Rawalpindi's city centers, this study highlights an in-depth significance of cultural heritage conservation in rapidly evolving urban environments.</em></p> Umer Tariq, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:50:51 +0300 Exploring Apology Strategies in Intercultural Communication: Focusing on Pashto-Speaking Undergraduate Students <p><em>This study delves into Pashto-speaking EFL undergraduate students’ the use of apologies among students, utilizing a 10-item questionnaire inspired by Sugimoto's (1997) framework. Intriguingly, both male and female participants employed a shared repertoire of primary apology strategies, including statement of remorse, accounts, compensation, promise not to repeat offense, and reparation. Furthermore, the findings revealed a tendency of using non-apology strategies such as blaming victim and brushing off the incident as unimportant to exonerate themselves from blame. Given the effect of gender, both the genders of the study differed in the order of the primary strategies that they employed. Additionally, the use of non-apology strategies revealed distinct gender patterns; female respondents opted for non-apology strategies that veered towards avoiding the discussion of offense while male respondents used those which veered towards blaming the victim. This research underscores the intricate tapestry of apologies woven by language, culture, and gender, and emphasizes the need for further exploration of these dynamics in EFL pedagogy to foster cross-cultural understanding and effective communication.</em></p> Siraj Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Hazrat Bilal Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY Mon, 01 Jul 2024 21:24:22 +0300