Risk Factors Associated With Parental Polio Vaccine Hesitancy In Peshawar, Pakistan
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Background Vaccined hesitancy is mian contributing factor to low oral polio vaccination coverage in Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between age and knowledge of parents' polio vaccine hesitancy. Methods Cross-sectional study was conducted in Peshawar, from Jun 2019 to January 2020. Fathers of unvaccinated children of ages from 2 months to less than 5 years of age who refuse polio vaccination for any reason were included in the study. A total of 380 questionnaires were filled in from the participants by visiting their houses about demographics, education of the family earner, occupation and income, number of children, reason for refusal and views regarding vaccines were recorded. Results: A cohort of 31–40 years found 34.7% dominate in vaccine hesitancy. Further, respondents also show higher literacy 55.5%. Respondents were found higher in adequate knowledge 60% and mistrust 40.7%. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge about the polio vaccine and trust in the state were found hindering factors of vaccine coverage.