The Pronunciation Problems Of English Consonant Sounds Faced By The1st Level Students Of The Department Of English Abdulwali KhanUniversity Mardan
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The present study aims to look into the problems faced by Pashto speakers, while learning English. The study particularly focuses on the pronunciation of English consonants, which are not found in Pashto phonemic inventory. It further looks into the role of L1 in the pronunciation of the target English consonants. The study identifies that five English consonants namely, the labial-dental voiceless fricative /f/, and bilabial voiceless stop /p/. Both of these sounds are produced with just air and no voice, but the way they are pronounced is very different. /p/ is producing by building up the air and pressure behind lips that are squeezed together and then releasing it, similar to making a popping sound. This means that your mouth moves during the production of the sound and that it is impossible to extend the sound after your mouth is open and the air has been released. /f/ is pronounced with your top teeth touching your bottom lip, and the sound can be extended for as long as you like without moving your mouth just by continuing to blow through the gap between those two parts of your mouth.