Perception Of Development In Indigenous Community

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Arooj Malik
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


This research dives into the attitudes and view point of the indigenous communities towards the development, focusing on various aspects which include culture, environment, resources, and livelihood. Indigenous peoples are often deeply connected to their traditions, land, and resources, shaping their insight about development. This study aims to explore how indigenous communities sought development, examining both positive and negative attributes towards it. Strategies for promoting environmentally friendly developmental practices within indigenous contexts are also explored. This article uses the explanatory method. It is used to examine the relationship between people, development, power and different factors that are contributing to the perception of development in the community. This paper will explain that how development effect the culture, tradition and customs of different communities by keeping in mind the information and detail provided earlier by the different researchers and the people point of view.

The purpose of explanatory method is to explain the relationship between different factors. It often implies quantitative method. This report is based on both primary and secondary data. Different articles have been studied related indigenous people and their perception about development and the relationship between different factors like development, poverty, inequality, power. This paper also discusses that what measures should be taken to cope with the alarming issues. Using different methods and tools such as questionnaire, Google form, case studies, and review of document for in-depth knowledge about the topic

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How to Cite
Arooj Malik, & Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. (2024). Perception Of Development In Indigenous Community. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 643-648. Retrieved from

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