Customer Satisfaction with Public Transport: the case of Metro Bus Service

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Ihsan Ellah Zahoor
Hamze Osman Gure
Dr. Sheikh Waleed Rasool


The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between the satisfaction of customers and quality of service in relation to the Metro Bus Service in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The factors that affect the customer satisfaction were explored through three dimensions and defined in the study. Therefore, a causal relationship was developed between the Metro Bus Services and the satisfaction of customers. For studying the customer satisfaction in public transport, the research paradigm pragmatism is chosen. In this research paradigm, the researcher not only perceives the reality but also the results are based on the interpretations of the individuals as well Data was collected through the questionnaire and quantitative research methods. SPSS is used to analyse the data and it is found that the significant results are shown for the reliability and tangibility whereas the other dimension is not supported by the research results. Therefore, the customer satisfaction and perception of service quality of Metro Bus can be improved through enhanced reliability nd improving the features reflected in tangibility. This will lead to the customer satisfaction and improved service delivery through the Metro Bus Service.


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Customer Satisfaction with Public Transport: the case of Metro Bus Service. (2024). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2).

How to Cite

Customer Satisfaction with Public Transport: the case of Metro Bus Service. (2024). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2).