Education and role of private sectors: A case study of Pakistani NGOs

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Sadam Hussain
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


This article describes the instructional offerings supplied by the Aga Khan development community branch (AKESP) for primary schooling. It turns out that AKESP primary schools offer loose admission to all college students. All instructors at AKESP are respected and that they provide the contemporary curriculum. AKESP schools have top fixtures, power, constructing, library, church, laptop laboratory, clean water and easy lavatories. Scholarships are given to disadvantaged college students, and discounted tuition costs are given to illiterate College students. This direction is designed to satisfy the needs of AKESP number one college students.. A examine may be conducted based totally on the fine of education in AKESP primary schools and public primary schools, or the distinction in the provision of facilities in AKESP number one schools and number one colleges can be checked.

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How to Cite
Sadam Hussain, & Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. (2024). Education and role of private sectors: A case study of Pakistani NGOs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 514-519. Retrieved from

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