Exploration of Stigma Around Men's Mental Health: Insights from University Students in Pakistan

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Fatima Arshad
Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry


At the core of universities in Pakistan, a troubling crisis unfolds: the stigmatization of men's mental health, undermining the well-being of male students across the country, leaving many to suffer in silence. The research aimed to explore and identify the stigma, manifested in the form of various negative stereotypes, taboos, and prejudices, directed towards men suffering from mental health problems. A survey method of research was conducted among male students from 22 different universities in 11 cities across Pakistan, in order to explore their experiences of mental health stigmatization. A total of 95 students, aged eighteen and above, took part in the survey. The findings from the survey showed that a substantial majority of male students reported witnessing or experiencing stigma related to men's mental health. The results demonstrated that stigma personifies men experiencing mental health concerns as weak, vulnerable, or shameful, obscuring their struggles under a shadow of misconception. The findings further shed light on how stigma creates barriers that deter men from seeking help for issues related to mental health, due to the sustained fear of facing judgment or shame. Consequently, a damaging cycle of silence and stigma takes root, reinforcing negative beliefs surrounding men’s mental health concerns.

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How to Cite
Fatima Arshad, & Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry. (2024). Exploration of Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health: Insights from University Students in Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 520-525. Retrieved from https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/579

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