Impact Of Mass Migration In Reshaping The World

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Walija Mumtaz
Dr.Muhammad Ramzan


Globalization-related migration, which is characterized by migrants traveling in search of better economic opportunities, is an example of regional economic disparities as well as growing social inequality. The trend of global migration is inevitable in this age of globalization and has a constant
impact on the world. This study aims to advance theoretical and empirical understanding of the pandemic's impacts on migration and migration-related diversification. Furthermore, it is hoped that approaching things from a wider context, will not only enhance our empirical understanding but also help us begin to conceptualize how the pandemic will influence philosophical and theoretical thoughts in migration studies and, consequently, the role of mobility in changing the global order as it exists today. This will advance the field of research in the context of the expanding bystander effect, where it is not improbable that other occurrences of these types will occur in the future

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How to Cite
Walija Mumtaz, & Dr.Muhammad Ramzan. (2024). Impact Of Mass Migration In Reshaping The World . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 455-471. Retrieved from