The Single story of Afghans and Afghanistan in The Kite Runner

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Mudasir Saleem
Dr. Saiqa Siddiq Khan


Orient is the subject matter of nearly all orientalists’ literary works. But this study utilizing the nexus of Lisa Lau’s Re-orientalism and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Danger of a Single Story to know how Afghan-diasporic writer Khaled Hosseini through his re-orientalistic techniques present a partial image of Afghans’ cultural and religious practices. This qualitative study utilizes textual analysis approach to analyze the text. The people of Afghanistan and their practices are represented in a stereotypical way. The study finds out those techniques that easily categorizes the novel The Kite Runner as a re-orientalist work. On the other hand, the literary representation of Afghans makes the story of the novel fable against the charges of a single story.

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How to Cite
Saleem, M., & Dr. Saiqa Siddiq Khan. (2024). The Single story of Afghans and Afghanistan in The Kite Runner. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 341-347. Retrieved from