History of Female medical education in Pakistan: A case study of Fatima Jinnah Medical University

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Mariam Hanif
Dr Kalsoom Hanif
Nida Khadim


Education is essential to a nation's growth and development. Hence, the value of medical education to all aspects of human life covers. After the subcontinent was divided in 1947, two nations were created: Pakistan and India. Pakistan has faces numerous issues since gaining its independence, including the rehabilitation of refugees, water shortages, a shortage of doctors and nurses, a lack of space, etc. When Pakistan first appeared on the map of the world, there were 108 female doctors in West Pakistan and just 3 in East Pakistan. There aren't enough female doctors in the young nation, though.  On the other side of Pakistan, there was no facility for girls to receive medical education. In this situation, the Pakistani government founded the Fatima Jinnah Medical College as the nation's first women's medical college. The focus of the academic discipline known as medical education is the study of medicine, particularly the fundamental training required to become a doctor. In Pakistan, formal medical education has a long history. FJMC also has a distinguished past. This institution, which only accepts female students, changed its name to Fatima Jinnah Medical University in 2015.One of them is the educational system of the Fatima Jinnah Medical University, which is committed to the greatest values of all human mental and physical growth.

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How to Cite
Mariam Hanif, Dr Kalsoom Hanif, & Nida Khadim. (2024). History of Female medical education in Pakistan: A case study of Fatima Jinnah Medical University. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 320-327. Retrieved from https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/561