Magical Version of Migration in Hamid’s Exit West: A Postmodern Perspective

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Qaiser Hameed
Mukhtiar Hassan
Fatima Batool


In the present times world mobility of people has become a normal phenomenon as compared to old days where migration used to be an extra ordinary practice. Hamid in Exit West seems to depict a magical version of migration which visualizes a futuristic perspective. The portrayal of migration in the selected novel demonstrates postmodern aspect of human movement across the world which becomes a cosmopolitan community. This paper aims at exploring this fantastical treatment of migration in the novel and highlighting its implication in the context of postmodernism. The paper has used theory of magical realism as a theoretical framework for the analysis of text and content analysis technique has been employed to interpret the selected passages of the novel. The study concludes that migration has become an unavoidable practice in the wake of postmodern world which has resulted due to pluralism, diversity of cultures and cosmopolitanism.

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How to Cite
Qaiser Hameed, Mukhtiar Hassan, & Fatima Batool. (2024). Magical Version of Migration in Hamid’s Exit West: A Postmodern Perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 234-240. Retrieved from