Utilizing Digital Tools For English Language Teaching In The 21st Century

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Ali Hayat
Sajjad Hussain
Ayman Riheel Alnaas Taha


In the world we live in, technology is pervasive and indispensable. The extensive use of technology has brought about a dramatic alteration in the way that English is taught. The use of modern technology denotes a significant advancement in the process of teaching and learning English. Most English language instructors working today are actively incorporating different tech solutions to improve the efficiency of their instruction. Digital media has become universal in the classroom with regard to language learning and education. The integration of technology into today's education has improved the quality and attraction of the process. They fostered an image of being creative and, above all, innovative in their methodology. In all educational contexts, the phrases "E-learning" and "Technology in Education" have become increasingly common. Students of the twenty-first century welcome the use of technology in the classroom. The modern learning tools are largely interactive, whereas the traditional approaches mostly rely on lecturing. In addition to offering excitement, emerging technologies such as blogs, the Internet, interactive whiteboards, mobile phones, Skype, Twitter, YouTube, and others have also raised student engagement and enabled real-time interaction in the classroom. The goal of this study is to identify the various technological elements that are employed in English teaching and learning to ensure efficient and superior training by utilizing cutting-edge methods. 

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How to Cite
Hayat, A., Sajjad Hussain, & Ayman Riheel Alnaas Taha. (2024). Utilizing Digital Tools For English Language Teaching In The 21st Century. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 114-122. Retrieved from https://ijhs.com.pk/index.php/IJHS/article/view/542