Social Construct Of Racism: A Critical Study Of The Bluest Eye

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Sonia Bibi
Dr. Khalil Ahmad


This study investigates race as a social construct, racial discrimination and its normalization in American society. The researcher investigates the issues by critically analyzing The Bluest Eye (1970) by Morrison and claims that the notion of racism is created by people to maintain white supremacy on the blacks. Racism has become a normal thing because people have to experience it on daily basis. Prejudiced attitude of white people towards blacks shows that racism has no biological or rational basis rather it is a self-created notion based on their hatred towards people of color. The research is qualitative descriptive in nature and the critical race theory (1970) by Delgado and Stefancic is chosen as a theoretical framework for this research. The researcher has concluded that racism is strongly embedded in the minds of people and that they are unable to avoid it by recognizing it a real menace of society. The characters of The Bluest Eye (1970) by Morrison show their prejudiced attitude towards people of color because it is inculcated in their minds that black people are not normal human being and thus do not deserve to be treated well and equally. Consequently, its everyday experience has normalized racism in American society because no one recognizes it as a serious issue which needs to be recognized and addressed properly to ensure equality for the people of color in white dominant societies.


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How to Cite
Bibi, S., & Dr. Khalil Ahmad. (2024). Social Construct Of Racism: A Critical Study Of The Bluest Eye. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(2), 52-66. Retrieved from