Impact of Preoperative Anxiety on Post-Operative Recovery of Surgery: Mediating Role of Social Support

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Ahmed Waleed Nawaz Malik
Adeela Akbar
Aurang Zaib


The current study is to find the “Impact of Preoperative Anxiety on Post-Operative Recovery of Surgery Mediating Role of Social Support”. A quantitative research design used in the survey method by using a questionnaire.The sample consists of 400 general surgical patients selected through the purposive sampling technique from the surgical wards of hospitals in Bahawalpur (Victoria Hospital, Civil Hospital), Nishter Hospital Multan, DhqMuzaffargarh and Layaah Hospital Pakistan. A priori power analysis calculated by using G*power analysis 3.1.9 for correlation (Faul, et al., 2007). The Sample size for current study would be 400. These instruments would use to collect the data The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS), Surgical Recovery Scale (SRS) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS).The result indicates that there is positive correlation between Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative recovery. The result indicates that there is positive correlation between postoperative recovery and Social support. The result of linear regression indicates that there is a significant impact of Preoperative Anxiety on Postoperative recovery. Mediation results indicated that preoperative anxiety was found to be positive significant predictor of postoperative recovery and social support. Whereas social support was found to be significant predictor of postoperative recovery. So, mediation was found to be significant. However the indirect effect of social support was found to be positively significant between preoperative anxiety and postoperative recovery.


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How to Cite
Impact of Preoperative Anxiety on Post-Operative Recovery of Surgery: Mediating Role of Social Support. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 413-424.

How to Cite

Impact of Preoperative Anxiety on Post-Operative Recovery of Surgery: Mediating Role of Social Support. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 413-424.