Labour migration from Pakistan to the countries of Persian Gulf

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Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya


In terms of Labour Migration, it can be said that migrant workers help foster the growth and development of their destination nations, while their countries of origin gain immensely from their earnings and the skills acquired throughout their migration experience. The labour force and employment condition of Pakistan is similar with any other developing countries of Asia. The population of Pakistan is increasing and the majority of populace are living in villages. The country has inadequate job opportunities and the selection in jobs is not purely done on a merit basis. The Gulf States, with their vast oil wealth, have provided unparalleled financial prospects for Pakistani skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers, mainly in the infrastructure and construction field. Interestingly, years of service and residency in Gulf countries does not get rewarded in the form of citizenship. Moreover, the Kafala system of foreign labour sponsorship binds Pakistani migrant workers in the Gulf states to their employers, who are in charge of their visa and legal status. To keep a tight eye on the foreign labor force, the system was implemented. Prevalent racism is visible in everyday life in Gulf countries and reinforced by inherently prejudiced racist legal schemes that make it difficult for people to escape the malicious cycle. Consequently, the MOPHRD requires a devoted team of experts to manage with Pakistani government agencies and transnational investors and to take appropriate measures for improving the condition of Pakistani workers in Gulf. 

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How to Cite
Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya. (2024). Labour migration from Pakistan to the countries of Persian Gulf . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 4(1), 365-373. Retrieved from