The Impact of Shah Waliullah’s Movement on the Frontier Socio- Religious Mobilization

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Dr Iltaf Khan
Dr. Muhammad Tariq


Eighteen century was commonly known as the century of revolutionary movements on the scientific and political grounds. Before the death of Aurangzeb, there was one center in south Asian Muslim empire from Qandahar to Assam, the succeeding years had no example of such a great Empire. The contributions of Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi (1564-1624) and Shah Waliullah (1702-1762) were remarkable to understand and interpret Islam in true spirit. The on-going popular religion in Indian culture was actively criticized which was the result of the expected powers of the saints, worship of their tombs and sacrifice of animals to any other than God.  The Ulama who were in the circle of these prominent Sufis have considerable influence and played a key role in shaping the social and religio-political life of Pakhtuns. They not only struggled to save Pakhtun territories from the Sikhs but also attempted for reformation of the prevailing adopted practices of the local ulama. The present study aims at clarifying whether or not the Pakhtun’s resistance trend was influenced by Shah Waliullah thoughts. It also sheds light on the Shah Waliullah’s relations with the pakhtun ulama, mashaikh and elites of that time. Socio-religious reforms according to Waliullahi thoughts through mujahidin movement and their impact on Pakhtun culture


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The Impact of Shah Waliullah’s Movement on the Frontier Socio- Religious Mobilization. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 131-140.

How to Cite

The Impact of Shah Waliullah’s Movement on the Frontier Socio- Religious Mobilization. (2023). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN AND SOCIETY, 3(3), 131-140.